Saturday, 20 October 2012

Making Up Lost Time

So actually a fair few things have been going on for me in the last few months, I just hadn't been around to report on them in this vast online forum that hundreds of people read. Oh wait, about five people read, sorry, my mistake. So I should either talk about the zombie hunting some more, or the Hindu wedding I went to a few weeks ago, or the new business I'm trying to set up. I could talk about how my gaming group is getting on and there's more DVD's that I've got that need a four line review.

I could talk about how my beloved tennants in Southampton have made me do a massive facepalm, but that might be pusing the boundries. I've also had some massive trouble concerning this sodding flat I'm living in, so I'll get round to that at some point. To be honest, I'm not sure where to start, so I'll start next time. There's changes afoot at Rios, and I just want to shout out my kinsman, Wiggy, who's been a staple in front of the grill there for five and a half years, he's moving on to Reading.

Gonna be weird working there on a friday and saturday night without him. Probably a bit less stressful, 'cause he does tend to make things that bit more stressful, but then he is a chef, and that's just what they do. He's a good bloke and he deserves this fresh new start to go well. With him gone and the new girl being an unknown quality (as in, it's unknown if she made it through her first week at the job), I'll be doing more hours and at more responsibility than before. We'll see how that goes.

See you, buddy.


While I do immensely enjoy this film, it's not the best that Pixar have ever produced. In my personal opinion, that's still WALL-E, but this is an achievement in itself for Pixar, being the first time they've tried a film with a female protagonist. It's an interesting one, gender politics in film. On the one hand, there's actresses who complain that there aren't enough powerful female roles available (*cough* Heigl *cough*), but on the other there aren't as many female writers out there.

The correlation seems obvious to me, men write men best, women write women best. Unless your surname is Whedon, in which case, do as you will.

However, kinda strayed off topic here, so. Brave. Clearly divided between it's two director/writers, it seems very much a film of two halves.

While the story seemed to be going in one direction, what with the whole clans gathering and highland games and that, it took a very different turn with the witch and the curse and then everyone was turning into bears... well, it's good fun and the animation is some of the best Pixar has ever produced, but there was some further refinement of the script that should have been done, but really wasn't. It's still a perfectly good film, very heartwarming, very well animated and very entertaining. I'm not going to say that it's a 'must see', but it's worth it.

Also, that chick's hair? Unbelievable when you look back at what they were boasting about Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, eh? And what Scottish movie wouldn't be complete without a bit of Billy Connolly as her dad?

Next up: DREDD 3D

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