Thursday 16 June 2011

And I May Never See You Again...

Less than a month until our results, less than two weeks until I move away from Southampton, less than a day until several of my friends are gone and I may not see them again. Nobody's ever accused me of being sentimental and I'll never really think of myself as touchy-feely, but this sort of thing does make me a little sad. There's always people saying 'oh, of course we'll meet up again' and 'sure, we'll see each other again', but until it happens I'm never convinced.

Call me heartless, but now that we've parted ways, I don't really expect to see them again. So call it a goodbye if you wish, but Laura and Martin, you've been great friends to me in your own ways over the last three years, both together and apart. We've still got blogging and late night bonfires, we've still got memories of sitting in the Fat Cat at 2 in the afternoon when we should have been doing something productive. And you both suck at Mini-Golf compared to my immense skills.

I look back at the last three years and I consider the relationships I've had with my friends, the people I never thought I'd get on with, the people that used to be very close and then drifted away, the ones that have been there from the start and haven't really gone anywhere. Friendship's a funny thing. I recall seeing a study that said elderly people find socialising with people their own age actually more fulfilling than their grandchildren. Yeah, I've always thought that to be the case, really. All you need in life are friends, no matter what form they take.

So here's to friends.


Heheheheheheheheh. That's pretty much my opinion on this film. It's cheesy, it's fast, it's silly, it's blatantly plaigerist and I frickin' loved it. I mean, you can look at Paul Bettany, a well-respected, very serious and extremely talented actor and you wonder why he's doing a film like this? Well there's not much to it, really, when you've played Darwin and the Prince of Orange, why not kick the crap out of some CGI vampires while you've still got the physique for it?

This isn't a film that's meant to be taken seriously, it's about a super-powered priest who hunts vampires. That's about it, really. Oh, and it's in a post-apocalyptic future. I did quite like the way the vampires looked in this particular incarnation (they didn't sparkle), a sort of weird animal creature that doesn't have any eyes. When Karl Urban shows up as 'the Human Vampire', called simply Black Hat due to his choice in headgear, it's pretty clear where we stand with this film.

We're all just here to have some fun. Yes, it's got far too much Christian symbolism, yes, there's far too much schlocky action and yes, there's no real depth to this film beyond 'I really hate vampires'. But hey, it's here for a laugh.

Also, the 3D sucks, but what else is new?

Next time I whine about: ATTACK THE BLOCK

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