Thursday 23 June 2011

Outside Reflex at 2am

Without any reaon I actually find myself scribbling this blog post into my notebook at 2am outside Reflex nightclub in Southampton. It's my last night with Will Sale, who's been a true friend these last three years. It's my firm hope that he does well in life, I think he deserves it.

With the bathroom now taking up most of my waking moments, it's good to have some time to hang out with the few friends I have left in this town. To continue from my last post's maudlin thought pattern, I wonder if I'll see Will again. But I guess I won't know the answer to that anytime soon.

Since I became irresistable to women, Reflex seems to have become the apex of my powers. Whenever I'm there, at least one female will physically express interest in me, which would have been great about five years ago. Sorry drunk girls, but this ship sailed quite some time ago, I'm afriad.

What crap am I writing now?


The most interesting thing about this movie, from what I've seen, is the way it breaks down 'chav' groups. For every one Moses (an actual hard-arse street kid), there's four or five loud-mouths that follow him around and do all the shouting, while Moses himself stays quiet and gets it done. That's the thing I noticed about this film. Not to say that the rest of it wasn't noticable. The aliens look pretty funky, the action is overblown, ridiculous and pretty funny, while the style of the film comes across as a very confident loving knock at sci-fi horror in general.

This is Joe Cornish's first film, so it's got some rough edges, there were some minor characters that probably weren't neccessary, the class division was a little too noticable and a couple of the lines didn't really work. Moses at one point says that the monsters are probably from the government 'to kill black boys, 'cause we aren't killing ourselves fast enough'. I wasn't sure that actually fitte with the rest of the film, being a fun romp through aliens attacking a south london tower block, taking into something that should probably have come from the pen of Noel Clarke.

Can't say much more about this movie other than it's fun, it's a bit stupid, it's plenty violent and it's entertaining. Can a movie really do any more than that?


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