Wednesday 3 March 2010

I'm Feeling... 'UNGRY!!

So, over the past week or so, me, Ad, a camera and as many actors as we can get our grubby mitts on have been running all over Southampton to capture the wonderous nature of my script on film. Oh yes, the long awaited 'Ungry is in production, people. Mutant Pig People will be hitting no screens near you soon enough!!

It's exhausting, actually. I remember vaugely the filming experiance from back in college, but that's pushing eight years ago now, and I'm feeling the strain, but it's so totally worth it. Knowing that my part is pretty much done, all I have to do is murder people on screen and Ad will take care of the rest. Oooh-Rah.

Fine out more at:


So, Denzel Washington is walking across a desert that is formerly the good ol' U.S. of A. and he's carrying a book. He seems to be as utterly badass as he can be (this is Denzel after all) and he moves with a mission, to carry the book into the west. Beyond that, the man is a mystery.

Now, there were a lot of people moaning about this film and I can see why, there were a few questionable sequences (especially thrown into criticsm when considering the BIG REVEAL at the end), but the one thing people complained about is probably the biggest waste of time I've ever seen.

The Book is a bible.

Now, I'm not criticising that plot choice. Perfectly valid, perfectly reasonable. The waste of my time is people complaining about it. 'Oh, it's so unoriginal...' or 'Oh, that's so oppressive to other religions...' or just that's not a book with a hollowed out middle that contains some uber-McGuffin that will save the world and bring me a naked Michelle Ryan and a bottle of whipped cream.

No, it's just a bible. I'm sorry, movie goers, but is that not enough for you? It's faith, it's reason, it's the oldest book to have spraed itself across the world and bring light to people's lives. But no, apparantly that's not enough. Faith alone isn't a reason to tell a story. It's not a great story, it's a pretty simple story, but it's a faithful story. Well, I liked it.

Gary Oldman's antagonist was pretty weak, the only really good thing about him was that he was played by Gary Oldman. The reason for him pursuing the Bible was sound enough (Religion in the wrong hands and all), it's just the execution, I think, that was lacking.

As it was, a fair amount of bitching concerning the BIG REVEAL at the end, some saying that it rendered the movie pointless, some saying that it makes him even more badass and some saying it pushes it to the realm of the supernatural. As for me... I thought it was too much. Just a bit. Just a little. But I coped with it. It wasn't a very wise move of the writer, but at least it was ballsy.

So overall, I liked it, but maybe wait for it to be £3 in HMV.

(Next time: UP IN THE AIR)

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