Saturday 22 May 2010


I've been trying for a while to write this blog post, this is about my fifth attempt, I just don't want to seem like I'm slagging off my friend Ashabuse, but that's probably what it seems like I'm doing. Basically, I want to come back to a comment that Ashabuse has made about me being and elitist and his repeated assertions that he goes to see movies because they're fun and I don't.

It's completely true, I agree with him. But at the same time he's completely wrong and I'm confused as to why he thinks the way he does. But we're just different people at the end of the day. What he finds fun I might find stupid, what I find fun he might find dull. It all stems to the Clash of the Titans review I did, which was a mighty two words long (I did write more, but it wasn't positive). Ashabuse thinks I was wrong to simply write it off.

But that's the thing, I genuinely didn't like it. It ticked none of my boxes, it had nothing to offer me. It was a truly terrible movie, in my extremely elitist opinion. I must also disagree with him further, for I thought it was worse than Drag Me To Hell, because Drag Me To Hell wasn't ruining and 80's classic while it sucked!

It comes down to the Transformers 2 arguement. A lot of people enjoyed it because there were large stompy robots and rather immature humour, I hated it because it has none of the things I look for in a movie, and was offended by how it represented something that I loved as a child.

It all comes down to what you think is fun, which is where we differ. I want something slower, something gritty, something that's all in the build-up with characters you love to hate. Ashabuse wants something different, I won't insult him by trying to understand what this is, but I'm guessing it's something like Saw!

Also, here is his blog. I think that because this site isn't as good as his, you have to copy and paste, but go for it. Copy and paste. Now. (I think there's a lot more swearing in his blog, so just be warned. Also, I can't think of what else to write to pad this paragraph out anymore.)

My this is a long entry, and I haven't even gotten onto the movie review yet, which will be quite long as well. (Longer than two words, at any rate!) Also, I see that my cunning idea of avoiding talking about nothing and instead talking about movies has been yoinked (to use the correct term) by this man:

Again, copy and paste.

Everyon's on Wordpress...

So, while shaking my fist in the air and shouting 'Confound You Caudle!!', I shall continue to read his reviews, since he's promised he's not going to do the same films as I'm doing. Or at least I hope he's not. Anyway.


I think I can safely say that most of the adult population of the world has been waiting for this film with baited breath for the last two years. Iron Man 1 was a triumph of excellent writing, awesome character and unbelievably cool robot-suits. It had pretty much everything without going overboard and it seems like the team have managed to pull it off again.

When you look back at it, the story was pretty simple, the fights could have been bigger and flashier and the bad-guys were under developed... but that's pretty much what the first film had. Favreau and his producers decided that any flaws with the first movie's format were acceptable for the second.

They were 100% correct.

The truth is, I don't really want to talk about this movie, because I want people to see it. Not in the same sense that I want peole to watch intelligent films to better themselves, I think it should be a constitutional right of all citizens of planet Earth to watch Iron Man and Iron Man 2. Or possibly a new law passed by the U.N., they should be mandatory watching if you want to be considered a human being. Basically, I can't talk highly enough of it, it was just so much damned FUN.

Yes, that FUN word.

Mickie Rourke steals the show for a few minutes, the racetrack scene in Monaco is probably one of the most beautiful entrances I've ever seen put to film, but again doesn't overdo it. RDJ and Cheadle play off each other better than Howard ever did and I am severely loving Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer, he was just brilliant to watch. It's a great movie through and through, it never goes over the top, it gives you just what you wanted.

Oh, and because Marvel are now on the serious warpath to making the Avengers movie, this film is packed with referances, from Captain America's shield, a few hints that Howard Stark may well be appearing in the Captain America movie, some more SHIELD stuff, an after-the-credits-scene that will make your jaw drop with childish excitement and some damned sexy Black Widow. I just hope there's a Hawkeye not far behind.

On the whole, I cannot recomment this movie highly enough. Go see it, wait for the DVD if you want, but quite frankly, you MUST SEE this film.

Next time: Nightmare on Elm Street.

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