Sunday 16 May 2010


Sundays are the most pointless day in the world. I am not a Christian, I am not religiously inclined in any real way (although that's another blog post right there). So why do I have to have one of my days more rubbish than the other six in a week? We live in a 24/7 world. Apart from sundays. So the supermarket has to close early on a saturday night.

Why bother? I mean, seriously? Those who have religious obligations (lets face it, a dying breed) should be able to fully work around the rest of us, the ones who have things to be getting on with. Sunday is especially dull for me because I have odd sleeping patterns (or indeed, no pattern at all), so I often miss the miniscule window of opportunity for the shops to be open.


I don't have any actual reasonable arguements, other than I think it's pointless. Why should I have to put up with it when there's no actual point?

Idge made a point about giving customer service staff a day a week where they're not called on as much... but I don't think that rings fully true.

People can only work a certain amount per week before they're worn out, no matter how much they need the money. Anyone who does more takes it on themselves, any employer who forces their staff to work more is... well... evil, but then all employers are evil. Apart from Kren, she's brilliant. And mad.


Don't let the title fool you, this isn't actually an interesting film. The title is kind of misleading, you sort of picture some kind of mockumentary training video which will instruct you on... well, training a dragon.

No, this film is in fact a straight forward film, a story about a young boy named Hiccup living in an animated world of Vikings and Dragons. Not that the Vikings sound like Vikings. They sound Scottish. Or American.

It sounds like I'm being a bit harsh to this movie, actually, looking back at my last few words. I actually really enjoyed it, it's quite predictable, but it's pretty, it's fast, it's never dull and it's actually funny. It is a kids movie, but I don't think that any adult who took their kids to go see it wouldn't enjoy it as well.

The story is one that you know you've seen before, it's one that we're all really quite familiar with, but it works, so we're happy to see it again, just with Dragons. Whooo. The animation is really quite good and the waste-of-time-D wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, although I still say that watching it in non-gimmick-D would be just as good.

That's about all I can say about it really, it's a pretty solid little movie, it doesn't break any records or stand out particularly, it's just fun, which is pretty much what it set out to be, so... mission accomplished.

Next time: IRON MAN 2
(Oh HELLS yeah baby!!)

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