Wednesday 9 June 2010


My mother has always said about me that 'if he were any more laid back, he'd be horizontal'. Most of the time, this is completely true, I couldn't give a flying monkey's is there were odd goings on, I keep my calm around me in most situations and I value above all other virtues the ability to chill no matter the situation. At the moment, I'm finding that rather difficult.

As I alluded to in my previous post, my fniancial situation has just become less favourable. Now, it's my dad that's recieved the short end of the stick, definately, but since he's still secure and will be forever more, it's more me that I'm worried about. My contniued faliure to make something of myself, have a reasonable career or win the lottery... I still rely on him a great deal.

Obviously, I should be on my own, I should be fully capable of standing on my own two feet by now, I'm twenty six after all. But I'm just not.

Problem is that I don't really have an excuse. I could be working in a bank or in an office, for which I'd have to hand in my soul and wear a tie.

But I don't.

I should be trying to work hard and make something of myself, but... I can't give a flying toss. Why should I? What's the point? I've got one thing I want to do and I doubt I'll be able to do it. I'll give it an honest go, but I'm not expecting miracles. I think I've said this all before, but basically I'm screwed and it's pretty much my own fault. Ah well.


Four Lions is, without doubt, the best film I've seen this year. I don't know if there'll be a film to match it. It's one of the two films I've seen twice this year, the other being Iron Man 2. It's so brilliant that I barely have words for it.

Basically, Four Lions (a slightly deceptive title) follows the exploits of five comedically inept suicide bombers in Sheffield. That's it. That's all there is to it. It's one of the most simple and yet compelling movies I've seen so far.

Most comedies don't really do much for me, they're pretty and they're funny and they've got some decent lines, but I'll forget them within a week and then we'll be back to gritty films with dirty cops or the end of the world or something. But this one really struck a chord because it's properly topical.

The writing is hilarious, the acting is not only masterfully improvised in some places but joyous to watch, the story itself is so wonderfully absurd that it almost couldn't happen, but you know that somewhere it could. That's the best comedy, to me, from the real, not the surreal.

Basically, there's not much I can say. This film is a triumph of humour, political awareness, British talent. If you're a Brit, you have a duty, folks. Go see. Or probably now wait for the DVD, but hey, it's all good. I should mention that the second time I went to see it was with Ad and we saw a live satellite interview with Chris Morris (the increasinly disturbed creator) and the cast, which was absolutely hilarious. Not often do I indulge in such strange little activities, but for this film, most definately.


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