Wednesday 1 September 2010

New Order

Two pointful words, really, they don't mean much but I think we'd all like them too when we say them. I'm in reference to how today, September 1st, I'm going to try and drastically shake up my life. Well, no I'm not really, I'm gonna shift it around a little. Basically, as of today, I'm attempting to do things differently when it comes to my layabout lifestyle.

I, for the first time in years, ate breakfast today. I'm told that it's important, so I did. Cereal, yoghurt, fruit. I have bought in 'healthy' food, far healthier than my normal fare. I have already done this thing known as 'excercise' (walked about three miles, attempting to go quickly) and I'm gonna cut down on what I eat for my dinner (normally my only meal of the day).

New Order is also the name of Season 8 Episodes 1 and 2 of Stargate SG1 (not that you needed to know that, but I just thought I'd say it anyway).

So, the plan (for September at least):
- Healty breakfast everyday (cereal, yoghurt, fruit).
- A few mile walk every three days (will increase).
- Bowl of cereal just before bed.
- 1 Chapter of my new book per day (I don't read enough).
- New writing projects.

At least, that's the plan. I guess we'll see how long it lasts. I'm not weighing myself or anything, I'm just doing this to fit some of my tshirts better.



This was a pretty highly anticipated movie, I know that for Coates this replaced Kick-Ass as THE movie coming out. Based on a highly acclaimed group of graphic novels and boasting a mind-blowing array of effects, big soundtrack and top director Edgar Wright, this should be a sure hit.

Problem was, I don't think it is.

Don't get me wrong, it's a very enjoyable film, there's a great deal of quirkyness, random oddness, well crafted humour and interesting characters, so it isn't a waste of anyone's time... but there was somthing about it that still didn't quite click with me, beyond my obvious peeve.

That peeve is of course Michael Cera.

Now, I'm not entirely sure how it is Michael Cera still gets work since Jesse Eisenberg is the same age group, the same catchment audiance bracket, the same build even, yet a great deal more talented with a voice that sounds like it's actually broken. Now, it's not that I really have anything against Cera it's just... he bugs me. He's in offbeat comedies that often aren't that funny (this movie probably being one of them) and he has that very particular look to him that's just so... wanna punch him... in the face... with a hammer...

Other than him? Great cast, very happy with them. Brandon Routh actually looks like he's trying to make up for his God awful Superman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is still good, Chris Evans proving that he's a decent bet for his upcoming Captain America role, it's all good. But there's a great deal of stuff, characters, events, gags, hell everything, to cram into this movie so it all feels quite schizophrenic or overly fast paced. All in all, there's something about it that doesn't quite fit right and I don't want to blame any particular part of it.

See, I didn't get on with it.

Pretty much all the video game refernces and jibes are aimed at games from the late 80's/early 90's (of which I am a generational member), but all the humour was designed to appeal to people younger than us (...'Oh man, I said lesbians'). That's to say it can be pretty dumb sometimes.

And the happy-clappy ending where everyone comes to terms with themselves and they unite to fight the bad guy, well... a little too stereotypical I thought. Guess I was expecting something else, but that's a minor complaint. Perhaps it was a little too much closure-tastic for my tastes.

So, I feel I haven't really said much about this movie, least of all whether I got on with it or not. Thing is that I did and I didn't. It was a bit of a confusing one with good moments and bad, with a great mix of potential and wasted potential. I would recommend it, but I feel that it appeals to people who are 18-22 and that's about it, which is something of a limitation I don't think movies should have to put up with. There's a great deal of depth to this movie, but at the same time... basically, Scott is a fundamentally unlikeable character trying to become likeable. He's a dweeb, he's a nerd, he's a tosser, he's just no fun. Yet we kinda grow to like him and if we don't... well... film doesn't really rely on that, no matter how much his name is in the title. Basically, this movie isn't about Scott Pilgrim, which is for the best, because he's rubbish. This film right here is about Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Just... because.

Let's face it, she's hot.

Next time: The Expendables.

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