Sunday 17 July 2011

And The Results Are In

I've completed my degree, got my results and I'm now free to go fuck up my life in whatever manner I so choose. There's limitless options and choices ahead of me, none of which are actually open to me, and I'm left dazed and confused as to what to do next with my life, but I'm sure you're all sick of hearing me talk about that now, aren't you.

I can't say as I'm massively thrilled with my results, as always it seems that my treatments and ideas actually get higher marks than my actual scripts, apparently I can talk the talk, but not really walk the walk. Overall, I got a 2:1 for my degree. There's apparently no exact number percentage that I can find to go with that, but it don't matter.

As for my Major Script, I think I could have done better. I got 61%, which is a 2:1 for that individual unit, but it's barely a 2:1. Don't get me wrong, it's what I was expecting, but I really think that my final alterations at the last minute were an improvement on the script as a whole. Well, it's said and done now, maybe I'll get a chance to talk with Mike about it at some point, mainly because I just want to know if I shouldn't have gone with this idea in the first place. But then how can you not go with something that's as close to your heart as my project was for me?

As for the rest, it doesn't bother me. My marketing portfolio didn't do well, but then who gives a crap about that, and my reflective log did completely average, and again, who gives a crap about that. It's all down to the big one, and I can't help but feel that I messed it up in some way. If a 2:1 can be called messing up. Ah well, back to pouring pints and flipping burgers.


Easily film of the year. I know it's a documentary, I know that it's reconstructed footage from races and interviews, I know that some may not call it a 'real' film because of this... but it's the film that so far this year I have experianced the most emotional reaction too. That's right, I shed a tear when I watched this film. The story of this man's life is both an exhilirating and enthralling one, a tragic and inspiring one in every second. I was totally taken in by this simple story about the little boy from Brazil that could and that is a very, very hard thing for a film to do.

I knew a little about Ayrton Senna before I went to see this film, but knew that my dad was a big Formula 1 fan, so took him to see this film just after Father's Day and my God was it incredible. So many times you think that real life can't really resemble the fiction we've grown up with, but this story certainly can. The little hero that could, his arch-rival, the tyranny of the overlord, the adrenaline of the race, the overcoming of antagonism and the redemption of long-lost friendships. The differences alone between how Senna and Prost drove are worty of immortalising.

I can't say any more about this film, because it just chokes me up thinking about it. I cannot recommend it highly enough. This will easily be in the top 5 of my films of the year and unless something truly mind-blowing comes along, it'll probably be at the top of that list.

Next: The unspeakable filth of Michael Bay

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