Thursday 20 October 2011

Lists (1)

Women I've seen on TV recently that I kinda fancy and possibly shouldn't.

1 - Sarah Millican (Oh I love that accent)
2 - Katy Brand (No idea why, but I would)
3 - Clare Rushbrook (watch The Fades, guys)
4 - Lorraine Kelly (Nope, no excuses here)
5 - Wummi Mosaku (needs to do something with her hair, though)

Noticed that many of my friends have just done blog entries that are lists. Good idea, that.


Many people that I discussed this film with were surprised that I would be interested in seeing it in the first place. Just as an aside, I'm not really sure how to take that. It's a classic piece of literature that has survived with interest intact into making many, many adaptations of it and it's a compelling story to start off with. Why would I not be interested in seeing it with Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell and Dame Judy Dench in some of the lead roles?

Basically, this is a classic tragedy with a lavish cast, location and attention to detail. It's a gorgeous representation of the story and I felt it was very well put across. Any gripes I may have had with the ending simply come from the way stories were told at the time, with a neat bow to make sure that everyone ends up mostly happy, if a bit angsty. Jamie Bell's character, although well played by one of my favourite actors, probably wasn't much use to the plot all in all.

I recommend this film quite heavily, it's intelligent enough to engage but not to offput, it's love-driven enough to make even a jaded cynic like myself appreciate it. Check it out.

Next up: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
(why hells yes, my brother-fuckers).

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