Wednesday 30 May 2012

DVD Roundup (2)

Yeah, we're at that stage where I can't quite think of anything else to write about, but don't want to jinx the nice weekly thing I've got going here (may have just done that, never mind). Anyway, some more of my £3 for a DVD purchases and thoughts.

Remember when this movie was cool? I mean, it was totally worth getting it for all the nostalgia alone. This movie was cool, right? I'm not just imagining that?

Only film I'd paid more than £3 for (it was £5). This is still a powerfully brutal film about a vigilante pensioner. Starring Michael Caine. Does it get better than that?


Wasn't too sure about the sudden political message that was rammed at us in the last few scenes, but other than that, bloody good little war movie they've got going on there.

Like all Arronofsky films, it's quite distant, alien and painful to watch at times, but it really does give you a sense of appreciating wrestling, which is pretty good, to be honest.

Hmmm... reviewed this film already. On second watch I stand by my original statement, story was a bit naff but the world, setting and history were quite rich and I still enjoyed it.

Got to wonder how I'd gone through my life without having seen this film before. It makes you look at Memento, the Matrix and Superman 2 in a whole different light! Great movie.

So yeah, now to talk about... not another movie!


So yeah, last tuesday, instead of sitting down with my nerds to play D&D, I took my nerds to go and see Mugenkyo, the UK's only professionally touring Taiko Drumming company. This was part of Newbury Spring Festival, which is usually a time for overly posh nitwits to gather at Newbury Corn Exchange and complain about the price of the whine and dabate the qualities of their favourite chellist. I've never had much time for it, but this year I had a look through the programme and saw Mugenkyo and thought 'you know, I bet a whole bunch of my guys would be up for that'.

And up for it they were. Despite some last minute drop outs and us having a few too many tickets, the show was a great night. They started out with a set that was a bit more 'progressive and original', which meant that there were several bits at the beginning where they were walking around slowly with instruments I haven't seen since Year 6 Music and humming loudly, often not in key. This was kinda confusing and felt a bit remeniscent of GCSE Drama, especially the bit with the megaphone, taht was weird, but when they got past that and down into some drumming?


The seats we were on (Row A, right at the front), actually vibrated through some of their pieces, the beat and rhythm felt like they were embedded in you. The sheer power of these beautiful instruments was undeniable, the odd grace that comes from percussion was tangible. I can't use enough long words to describe this experience, but it was one well worth having. These guys seriously know what they're doing and I heartily recommend looking them up to see if they're ever performing anywhere near yourself (although they're based in Bonny Scotland).


Next time: IRON SKY
(yeah, I saw it)

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