Tuesday 10 August 2010

Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?!

So I've given in, once again I am watching through Stargate SG1, although this time I've also got Stargate Atlantis as well, since I ordered it last Christmas but have so far yet to watch it. For those of you who have read the earliest of my blog entries, you will know that SG1 is something like crack to me, I simply watch and watch and watch and adore an equal amount.

I mean, I'm not entirely sure why I'm so in love with this series in particular, if you look at it it's pretty cheesy, it's not possessed of great continuity to start off with, there's a few too many Deus Ex Machinas to make it for good writing... but it's simply awesome. Some series start off amazing and get worse (Battlestar Galactica, Lost, The X-Files and so on).

SG1, on the other hand, started off pretty poor and then got awesome as it went. Yes, it's cheesy, yes it's contrived, but at the same time... it's just so *nice*.

It's very easy to watch, it's got very loveable characters, it's very basic in storytelling (and remember, simpler is most often better unless you're a Nolan).

Basically, I love this series and I won't apologise for it. There's so many more worthy series, (Battlestar Galactica, Lost, The X-Files and so on), so many more detailed and artistic series (my number one of all time is still The Shield, nothing quite compares, not even the way-over-hyped The Wire)... but I've never met a series that's just so rewatchable. It even beats Firefly on that front, which is saying something.

Anyway, the kitchen is now finished, the parents are en-route and the day after tomorrow we're going up to Scotland. That means PUPPY!!! And Edinburgh Fringe Festival, should be a good time, I'm looking forwards to it.

So... on with it.


Now if there was any movie I was really, really, really looking forward to this year, it was Iron Man 2 and Predators. Oh, I suspected Inception would be better, that the A-Team would be more fun and the Expendables would be more hardcore, but somehow I knew that this one would be a safer bet for sheer coolness.

Any film that is connected to the genius that is Rodriguez deserves a watch, since the guy is so utterly reliable for entertainment that you could set your watch by him. He hangs out with Tarantino, he gets Danny Trejo to be in all his movies and he made Planet Terror. This guy is officially AWEsome, but you knew that.

And yes, it delivers.

It's a great film, it really is. It's in no way artistic, it's in no way dynamic or innovative... but it's what I call a 'perfect movie'. Basically, it sets out to show us an hour and a half of badasses being out-badassed by Predators, some funky fight scenes and Larry Fishburne back in action, if only as a cameo. And you know what? It does all that, to the letter. It's not a contribution to art, it's not fantastically noteworthy, but it's perfect in it's own way, it's true to itself.

The cast of characters was pretty basic, but they were all enjoyable and as Dan pointed out, within the first few minutes you've met all of them and you can't decide which one you want to die first. The plot is deliciously simple and Adrien Brody mans up superbly. I mean, we've only ever seen the large-nosed man as a geeky scientist or writer before, in this he's a hardened mercenary with a severely bad attitude, which makes him rather enjoyable to watch. Basically, I really liked this film.

It's great to finally see a Predator movie that isn't linked with the Aliens as well. I mean, the two made a good pairing in concept, it's just that the films sucked. The novels didn't, however, so I can live with it. I was just wondering if the two franchises were ever going to make it independantly ever again and thank Christ that they did. This was well worth it.

Next up: INCEPTION (oh yeah, baby!)

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