Friday 6 August 2010

Sleep Times

So without any further direction in my life other than occasionally grouting parts of the kitchen, I continue to have utterly erratic sleep patterns, tonight I got up around 8pm, which was very exciting for me. At the moment my brother and his girlfriend are staying with me and I'm trying not to get underfoot or say anything innapropriate, which'll be interesting.

I'm really only making this post to make up the numbers, but I feel that I should just jot my thoughts down every now and again. And at the moment, my thoughts turn to roleplay, specifically the game I'm running on wednesdays.

I call it 'Reactivated' and the storyline is one that I've been cooking up for a while now. Honestly, I think I could be doing it better than I am right now. I'm not the best of ST's, but I know that I could be doing more.

Basically, being a good ST (Story Teller) means that I have to engage the players with a situation that's to their liking and get them to sort it out. Right now, since I'm playing with a group that have very little experiance of roleplay gaming, I feel like I'm leading them by the nose a bit much, or rail-roading. Hopefully that'll change over time, but I worry that people will simply start to lose interest and wander off.

The main problem is the fluctuating nature of the group. Now, I appreciate that people have places to be and things to do, but if you're in you're in and if you're not then you're not. That's kind of how I'd like to play it. I have a feeling that some of my current players aren't all that into it, but they're giving it an honest go and that's all I can ask. Jon recommends that I get them into some combat pretty soon. I think he's right.

Ah well.

Basically, the story so far is that a group of people have woken up in a bunch of cells without any memories and told that they work for an organisation called 'Corridor 13', who make it their jobs to hunt down monsters and be paranoid. Very, very paranoid. It's an odd one, but I like it as a story.

The group have been introduced to their charasmatic and secretly murderous senior officer, they've been given their day jobs and cover and now they're about to go after their first big target. They get to go and pick a fight with a bunch of girls that live in a fetish club. A vampire fetish club.

Fun times.


First off, I dislike big, trashy American comedies. They seem to be... hollow in some way. Like there's a few laughs here and there and they last just long enough to get you through the film, then you can forget about it twenty minutes later. Also, I should mention just how much I detest Russel Brand as the talentless waste of space that he clearly is.

However, I really liked this movie.

I mean, I laughed a lot during it and it's stuck in my mind since then as being quite fun, quite manic and oddly down to earth in a completely 'out-there' way. It's not a great film, it's not an amazing movie, but it does it's job quite well. Man of the movie has to go to Sean Daddy, who was surprisingly amusing. For a man that made his career as a rap 'artist', Puff Diddy gives a surprisingly funny performance, he's pretty much the highlight. Brand and Hill are... well, they're okay and I didn't dislike them, which is about as much as I can hope for.

So, watch it for P. Combs, don't expect a great deal from it, but it is funnier than it looks like it will be. Also, I didn't realise this but apparently it's a loose sequel to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, so I guess I'll have to go watch that now, won't I.

Next time: PREDATORS

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