Sunday 9 January 2011


You know, having this beard has been kinda cool. I don't have to worry about shaving, people make amused comments which gives me something to talk about with them and it's ginger. I mean, that's just classic.

But I think that it has run its course. I look in the mirror now and it doesn't amuse me anymore, it just looks kinda silly. Of course, you ask, what about my democratic process? What about the people that did the voting?

The reason I held the voting process at the end of November and December was because I couldn't really make a choice myself. I had no strong opinion either way, so therefore I asked my friends what they thought and we all had a laugh about it. Now... now I have an opinion. I think I want my chin back. I may never have been a good looking guy, but I did always find myself armed with a little more confidence when it was just manly sandpaper stubble.

So, no beard. Soon. Ish.

In other news, my attempts at eating better and doing more exercise appear to be lasting about as long as the average New Year's resolution, which is about 2 weeks. Ish. Sort of. Maybe. I'm sure I'll be able to stick to some of it, but it's expensive and annoying and it just isn't me, really.

I've always had this saying: Eat Healthy, Exercise Regularly, Die Anyway. Now, call me a black-hearted cynic, but that's generally how I look at life. If you look around, the world is pretty crap, so there's not much incentive for me to stick around after the years where I can look after myself.

Especially since I don't intend on having kids. But that's a sore point for some, so I'll leave that topic. I also seemed to have attracted several new followers, although why is yet to be seen and whether they'll actually stick around is another matter entirely. So yes, Hi... whoever you are.

Ahm... yeah, that's it.

127 HOURS.

Oh. My.

This was one hell of a film to start the year off with. I know I saw Love and Other Drugs just before this, but this movies just blows it out the water. It blows most things out the water, from other movies to aircraft carriers. This film has such passion, such paranoia, pain, power, precision and about eighteen other p-words to go with it, that it's pretty much just perfect.

For those that don't know, 127 Hours is the amount of time that Aron Ralston, a mountaineering enthusiast, spent trapped with his arm pinned to a rock wall deep in the middle of nowhere, Utah. He had very little water, very little food and virtually nothing that he could use to get himself out of that situation. This is how he survived, and it isn't pretty.

Chances are most people have heard the various press about this film, that it's probably gorier than Saw and that two people had to be removed on stretchers with oxygen support at the premier. Well, you know what they say, no such thing as bad publicity.

The acting is unbelievable, James Franco will be up for some serious awards in a few weeks, the location is gorgeous, you really can tell why Ralston spent so much time in that part of the world, it's truly incredible, the soundtrack is perfectly chaotic.

But the real star of the show is Danny Boyle's Editor, Jon Harris. Quite frankly, the way this film is cut together is the most harrowing part of it, the way the messed up reality of what's going through Aron's delusional head is brought to life in a way that's both heartbreaking and seriously unnerving. This is probably Danny Boyle's finest film and that's coming from a long pedigree of seriously good films.

Of course, the most spectacular thing about this movie is that it's a true story. Aron Ralston is a real person, this actually happened to him. I'd just like to end on the note that (other than you must see this movie), Mr. Ralston, I'm sure you've heard this before, but I must say that you don't embody the spirit of human triumph, you *are* the spirit of human triumph and a true inspiration to the world full of people who do sod all with their lives. My hat goes off to you, sir. In my left hand, naturally.


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