Sunday 30 January 2011

One of 'those' moods

This one probably won't be a fun read, but I feel compelled to just sit here and pour out all the bile that I've been thinking about in the last few hours. I tend to get like this when I know I have to be up at 8am and it's just gone 5am and I'm still sitting at my laptop, unable to summon up enought energy to sleep.

My ultimate question is:
What is the sodding point?

I mean, I'm sitting here, counting down the days until I have to leave university and life will SUCK. I'll have to find a job, something that my skills will make strictly limited. I'm either with a bar job for the rest of my life or finding some bullshit 9-to-5 office job where the dress code doesn't account for ties (yeah, right), since the chances of me actually making it as a writer are somewhere in the microscopic region.

To be fair, I shouldn't say that life ahead will definately suck more than now, now is doing a fair job of sucking. It seems like every week I get sent another letter from some other fucker demanding money from me (the Student Loans Company, the University, the Council, the Door System people, the fucking homeless guy on the corner) and they all seem to think that I'm the cure for their financial woes.

I'm constantly edgy, I seem to have lost all my sense of fun, I keep accidently loading on more and more responsibility upon myself and I just don't seem to give a fuck about all the things that I used to enjoy.

I had a falling out with a friend a little while ago about the nature of children. Now, I won't go too far into it, but there was the potential there for us not just to be friends, but she really, really wants kids and has it arranged to be a mother soon (I'm not really sure of the specifics). Now, despite all my reservations about children anyway, the one thing that keeps knocking itself into the back of my head is this:

Why would anyone want to bring a kid into this world? There are stabbings in the news every few days, the banks are drowning in their own incompetence, our governments are slowly revealing that they are, in fact, pantomime villians, unemployment is at an all-time high, coupled with national depression and suicide rates. And the best part is that nobody seems to give a shit, you know? People just keep their heads down.

And why shouldn't they? Who honestly wants to look around outside and think... 'yep, I can dig it'. Who's life is so financially secure that they think they can support someone else? I'm not having a go at parents, really, because I don't understand their situations and I hope I never will.

I think about the burden that I am on my parents. I look at the amount of money my dad has calculated that I owe him for the house I'm now sitting in. It's a fair amount. I'll never be able to pay it back to him. Simple as that, I will never be able to afford my own home. I'm living off his charity.

So why the fuck do we bother?

What the fuck is the point?

But then, this was all started as a 'pointless exercise', wasn't it. So, why don't you, my apparent 8 followers, let me know. What the hell is the point of all this crap? And ask yourself if I'm really in right mindset to do a film review right now?


Yeeeaaahhh....Nah. Not that good. I feel that ol' reliable, Jason Statham, has been a bit of let down ever since the Expendables, but then I'm trying to think of good stuff that he's done other than Snatch and Crank. Hmm... imdb time...

However, this is a remake of a 70's Charles Bronson movie about an assassin who works freelance for a secretive government agency and takes on an apprentice due to the guilt of his most recent job. The apprentice is the son of his last mark.

Now, I like me some Jason Statham. I loves me some Ben Foster. Hell, Tony Goldwyn was in this movie and I like me some Tony Goldwyn as well. Know what's even better? No romantic subplot, no female lead character. Even sodding better.

It's just that it's dull.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see some of the work that goes into these assassinations, the preperations, the weapons, the delicate precision, but the entire movie was carried with an apparent lack of pace that made it simply uninteresting to watch. While I'm fine with the concept, there was something severely lacking in the execution of this movie.

That's all there is to it, really. Just sloppy camera-work, pacing, tension, characters. It was all kind of flat, sort of like a bland comic book, rather than a movie about hitmen. And lets face it, we all love us some hitmen, despite that we have an overly romanticised view of them, along with so many other bloody things. So yeah, not so good, really.

Next: True Grit.

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