Friday 11 February 2011

Funny how that works

The eagle-eyed of you will have noticed that I just posted four entries at the same time, but they were all dated on the day they were actually written. That's a bit weird, right? I mean, why does this particular website work like that?

Don't know, but it means that in a few weeks, when everyone (who am I kidding, nobody reads this thing) has forgotten, it'll look like I didn't leave the blog for a month without posting an update, no matter how many I was tapping away at in the mean time.

Do I have anything else to discuss in the mean time? I don't know, everything seems to be going okay, I'm good on the writing front and I haven't recieved any post demanding money in the last few days. Heard from my brother, have been watching copius dvd's. I may have missed my class on wednesday, but then apparently I didn't actually miss much.

Yeah, everything seems okay, so you might as well just look on out for the film review. Oh wait, I haven't actually *seen* The Fighter yet. So I'm gonna talk about something that isn't a film. Ooooh, breaking the mould!

POINTLESS (filmed on 13/02/11)

So a while back, Coates says that we can get tickets to go see QI being filmed if we go see Pointless being filmed, since it's not as popular a show, I'm guessing. So we took a trip up to London, walked around South Bank for a bit, shot through the tube system, got lost in a MASSive White City Mall, then stood outside BBC Television Centre for an hour and a half until we got inside. Then we got to sit in the FRONT ROW. I was actually within licking distance of Alexander Armstrong.

And I loves me some Alexander Armstrong. I should have brought the script for Fantasy Incorporated with me, I could have thrust it on him with instructions to give it to Ben Miller. Or would that have been taking the piss?

Basically, I've never been to a filming before, I'd never seen a show being shot. Yeah, there's a lot of technical stuff going on all around you, yeah there's stopping and starting, yeah there's a compare who's trying to keep you interested. But all in all, the time flew by, the progress of the game was fascinating, it was actually really funny (especially when it turns out that nobody there likes Kevin Spacey!) and it was, all in all, a thoroughly pleasent way to spend an evening. We even got back to southampton for about 11pm.

It was interesting to see, and I'm going to have to check up all the episodes of Pointless on the iplayer for the next few days, since I think they'd actually got some footage of me, Coates and Macina in the front row cheering and whooping. I might actually be on TV. That's a scary thought for all you TV license payers, eh? So yeah, this makes a change from a film review, doesn't it? I think I'll do a few more of these every now and again. I'll definately do the QI one when we go see that!

Next up: The Fighter.
(He says for the 2nd time)

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