Friday 25 February 2011

5 as opposed to 2

I live my life according to lists, schedules, charts, spreadsheets and statistics. Don't know why, it just seems to work for me. I have a writing schedule that means I don't have to wait around for 'the muse to strike', it's there waiting for me when I press play on the pre-designed writing playlist. I have a financial record that I use to chart how much money I spend according to day, week, month and 12-week periods. I have a dinner schedule, for what I have on each day. And I have a blog posting schedule.

This year, I want to post 54 blog entries. That's because I only really did 42 last year, and therefore doing 6 more than 48 will mean that I do an average of 48 a year, which is 4 a month, which is roughly 1 a week. Because I'm still kinda new to blogging (only a year and a bit), it's still a bit shaky. I'm sure next year I'll have set down on which days I want to have them done by and actually do them on time, instead of starting them at one point and then doing them weeks later.

54 posts means 10 months of 5 and 2 months of 2. I had thought that February was gonna be a month of 2 (since it's the shortest) but it turns out that it's a month of 5 and now I have to cram in three extra blog entries when I hadn't really planned on it.

How do I know which month is which? I'll tell you, it's how many films I saw that month. Now, I saw 5 in Jan easily, and I thought I was only gonna see 2 in Feb (if we're counting Pointless), but then my brother got me to go see Paul with him, so there we go. Now I have to see 2 other movies (or things I can review).

And neither of them will be the Sodding Fighter!!!

So yeah, I should probably try to establish a spreadsheet or record for my sleeping patterns and times, maybe that would enforce some kind of regularity upon them. Maybe if my sleeping habits knew they were being watched... ah, who am I kidding. I'm sitting writing this at 04:11am, my sleep pattern is screwed beyond belief. I just hope I can get some decent hours in during the first two weeks of March, because after that things are gonna get more stressful again. I just know it. Maybe I can find some way to quantify stress and put that on a spreadsheet as well...


So since I was suddenly thrust into seeing 5 movies this month, I saw Paul on the 25th, this on the 26th and Drive Angry on the 27th, which meant that all three seem to have blurred a little together for me, which is very, very weird, because they are all highly different movies.

This film, based on a play by the same writer, deals with the loss of a child by a married couple and how they deal with the grief of that devastating event. The performances are excellent, the mood is set just right and the whole film is just on the right edge of painful to watch.

The thing that really surprised me about it was that it was a film by John Cameron Mitchell. Now, I'm a fan of Mr. Mitchell ever since we were forced to watch his masterpiece HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH for class. He wrote, directed, produced and starred in Hedwig, which convinced me that this guy is a sheer genius. But seeing as how that was about a German Transexual Rockstar and his next film (SHORTBUS) was about a repressed woman experimenting in an orgy club... this film kind of seems like his cop-out in order to go mainstream and get more recognition.

But is that a bad thing? I mean, this was a great movie, it did everything just right and it landed Nicole Kidman and Aron Eckhart. Eckhart is probably one of the best working actors in Hollywood today, he always gives a great show, and Kidman hasn't really let us down since Batman Forever (but we don't like to talk about that one, do we).

The one thing that this movie really, really does well is that it doesn't make us feel sorry for them. This grieving couple, who have lost their little boy... we don't have to feel sorry for them, the film doesn't demand that. It simply show us what they had to do to feel better. I respect that, it doesn't force its messege down our throats.

All in all, it's definately worth a watch, but it is a bit depressing.


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