Sunday 8 November 2009

Having To Look Productive

You know when you've done what you were going to do today (specifically, finish my sodding essay), and then decide that the best plan for the remainder of your day would be to sprawl yourself across the sofa in your underwear and watch dvds all day? Yeah? Then you know how your Dad turns up to finish off the painting he wanted to do and that's it. Day scuppered. No sofa, no underwear, no dvds. Have to acknowledge that there is sunlight outside.

So in order to escape from helping with the dreaded manual labour (which delicate creative types like myself find akin to Kryptonite), I have to sit in front of my computer and attempt 'to look productive'. That's harder than it sounds, as I'm discovering. I've checked my banking, I'm up to date with my webcomics and I've already finished the damned essay! So now what? Break out the reserve essay? The one I was saving for a special occasion?


Besides, I'm fast running out of Stargate SG1 again and will have to get round to watching the things that I'm supposed to be watching, the ones that people have leant to me and are metaphorically tapping their feet, waiting for me to get it back to them.

I suppose that I really should get round to watching the rest of Season 1 of The Wire, since it's apparantly the best show ever (feel the skeptic in you arise, see as it pours scorn on such claims), although I wasn't completely convinced by the first few episodes.

Also got 'Brotherhood' to watch.

Oh, and Kat leant me 'Identity'.

Not to mention that I have to watch 'Deathwatch' again tonight, for the assignment due in on wednesday, then write 1,500 words on how good/bad it is, depending on how I'm feeling at the time. I really should actually get down to doing that, but I refuse to watch horror films while there is daylight. And I have to acknowledge the daylight, because my Dad needs it to do his painting!

So now that I'm about to embark on this voyage of pointlessness that is 'having to look productive', I suppose I should continue the script for my Drama Documentary, so that it can be torn apart by my fellow students at our next workshop. I should also wonder if there's any way that I can cut out the middle man and absorb SG1 directly into my bloodstream... maybe if I hooked up my TV to a drip...

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