Friday 6 November 2009

Trying New Things

So it turns out that I've been persuaded by absolutely nobody that I should give this blogging thing a try. I mean, I gave it a go a while back, but that was back when myspace was new and interesting and hadn't been overtaken by whining teenagers. Or more accurately, when I was a whining teenager.

I'm not entirely sure what the point of it all is, but hey, I'm here now so I might as well make the most of it. I like to think that I've chosen the most pointlessly pretentious layout and font and socks for this little exercise, but if you think it can be improved upon (like my spelling), feel free to never contact me.

So I'm starting out.

The weekend so far has been pretty fun for me, I got to spend several hours in the university library researching the recent history of Iran and the theories of television cultivation. Which is exactly as exciting as it sounds. Then I proceeded to the main city library to discover...

The bloody thing was closed! How dare they. No I have to go home, eat cookies and watch Stargate SG1 again, rather than more tedious hours of research.

Or, you know, start the essay for which all this research will eventually contribute too. Which is exactly as exciting as it sounds. Oh wait...

So now, blogging.

Yep. Pointless.

So I'm sure I'll persevere with writing my thoughts down (since writing pointless things is what I spend about ninety percent of my waking time doing anyway), but if I suddenly stop it's only because the sugar has run out or I suddenly hit my head and came to my senses (which, incidently, is exactly what I theorise happened to the last young woman who was seen anywhere near me).

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