Tuesday 3 July 2012

DVD Roundup (4)

Man, I seem to get through a lot of cheap DVD's... and a few of them are now ones I've already reviewed. I mean, that's come up already, but I think it's important to give films a second viewing if you weren't sure of them. Why do I still buy DVD's? Why don't I download or use Lovefilm or something? Something about owning them, something about having a collection, it's... reassuring. So these are some of my recent acquisitions to that collection.

Yeah, still as awesome as it was when we saw it at the cinema. The shaky-cam combat effects that weakened the earlier parts of the film just aren't as bad on a smaller screen. Still overly manly a film. Overly, overly manly.

You know, I could write an essay on this film. I liked the ideas of how magic worked, I liked many of the set pieces, but the acting was God-awful, the script was diabolical and who thought of 'Prime Merlinian?' Seriously?!

Surprised myself that I hadn't seen this before. Found it to be an approapriately dark portrayal of Elizabeth I's early years, was a fan of Kathy Burke's performance, and Geoffry Rush simply owned in this one, as he often does.

Don't get me wrong, it's slick, smooth and very clever, but the overall experience led me to think that they could have made it just a bit better. Lucy Liu's character was kinda pointless and the double cross came out too early.

You know what, this was a great drama, I was pretty amazed that I hadn't heard of it before. The aftermath of Lincoln's assassination and the fervour of mistaking justice for vengeance. Really, really good film, look it up.

Frickin' love this movie. It's cute, it's moving, it's funny, it's got frickin' ratbirds. I love this movie. That's about all I can say about it.

You know, the more times I see these movies, the less sure I am about them. They're still fun... but there's something a bit hollow about them I can't shake.

Anyway, that was some movies. I shall now mix it up by talking about another movie.


There's not much I can say about this one, I mean, two weeks after seeing it and I can barely remember the details. Will Smith was fine, Tommy Lee Jones just looks tired of it, Josh Brolin does an excellent impression of Mr. Jones, but that's not enough to save this movie from mild disappointment.

Time travel is always a bad idea (although the thought that chocolate milk helps alleviate the effects of it is mildly amusing), and it certainly didn't help this movie. Also, it's been 14 years since the first Men In Black (the good one) and I've got to wonder, who thought they should make another?

The twist was well thought out, I'll give them that, but the rest of the movie is bland and uninteresting. Oh well.

Next time: The Angel's Share

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